Your iteration of the melody was successfully put in the same league as a Mona Lisa duck on a magnet.
It’s very accessible. As a teen we played it in orchestra and it was wonderful to settle into unabashed beauty for some minutes.
As a kid it was great. What is wrong with diversity accepted by the high brows who have time and education to take their musical understanding to the next level?
Your iteration of the melody was successfully put in the same league as a Mona Lisa duck on a magnet.
It’s very accessible. As a teen we played it in orchestra and it was wonderful to settle into unabashed beauty for some minutes.
As a kid it was great. What is wrong with diversity accepted by the high brows who have time and education to take their musical understanding to the next level?
I have to turn off “the horror “ of this music.
Great show -- twelve voices was fun. An ambient perpetual wall of sound.